Lightning: Bolts of Destruction

Lightning: Bolts of Destruction
3.5| 1h35m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 08 November 2003 Released
Producted By: Legacy Filmworks
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A meteorologist and her family work feverishly to find a way to extinguish a storm that threatens to destroy mankind.

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Legacy Filmworks

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paulie1979 How actors can go with errors and lies in script is beyond me, hundreds of thousands & millions of years what rubbish, the earth time and time again even by some of the top scientists on the planet, has disproved this and proved the earth as God says is only about 6000 years old not millions, it is called the theory of evolution not the fact of evolution. Evolution is controlled by a cult who force it into schools, they are called (Smithsonian) these people hate god and want you to believe your not created by an almighty being but a bacteria, an animal who has no use or importance what so ever, if we are millions of years old how come 100 years ago we had nothing, it just in past 100 years or so we progressed with inventions etc, there are flood legends in over 250 cultures globally telling of the flood of Noah (NOT RUSSEL CROWS NOAH, HE WAS PURE EVIL AND THE FILM WAS A COMPLETE LIE) NOAH WAS A JUST MAN A KIND AND GODLY MAN, NOT THE MAN Hollywood MADE HIM and absolute proof it happened, evolution is taught and brainwash people with lies and false evidence, science definition 1 test, 2 observe 3 conclude, not 1 make up, 2 do not test and do not observe 3 believe in fairy tails, look at or go to and watch the videos and evidence about earth, the flood universe etc, if we are millions of years old why the earth still magnetised, magnets do not last millions of years, teaching evolution is what made Hitler the man he was, he was brainwashed by Darwin, who did not invent evolution Darwin was brain washed by the guy who made up evolution, big thumbs down on this film
Gary Finseth This is one of those movies that is so bad it's good. Some writer somewhere heard the term "positive lightning" and decided to create a whole script around it. A great drinking game would be to take a chug every time someone says, "Positive lightning." I especially enjoyed when lighting would follow a pole or wire slowly enough that people could react and jump out of the way. Or better yet, slowly enough that someone could outrun the lightning and push someone else out of the way. The science in this movie is so awful I really would not know where to start. I did not catch much of the human drama, because I was laughing too hard at the cheesy special effects and mangled physics. (Someone really needs to tell these scientists what a Faraday cage is.)
willshack How bad can a made for TV movie get? We may have a new standard here. Besides the fact none of this movie made any sense which I can tolerate, the writing and acting was so bad it makes me think that even I could make living writing cable movies using nothing but tired clichés and nonsensical plot lines.I just love the fact that as the world is about to be destroyed, all that these wooden characters could talk about was how they were going to reconcile their unbelievably mundane family issues. It was almost as if the supposed devastating lightning storm (which we see destroy various world monuments in what can only be described as "Plan 9 from Outer Space" quality special effects) was a subplot.I saw this at 2 AM after getting home from a function and not being able to sleep. It was either this mess or paid programming, I regret not turning to watch the Ronco guy.
gmcdouga-1 Interesting concept, tho a lot of time was wasted on the usual academic in-fighting and the sub-plot of Pacula raising her sister's son was not really necessary to the plot and, in my opinion, distractd from it.