The Galaxy Invader

1985 "It Came From A Galaxy Far, Far Away. An Alien Explorer - It's Mission ... TO SURVIVE!"
The Galaxy Invader
2.9| 1h19m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 01 April 1985 Released
Producted By: Moviecraft Entertainment
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An alien is hunted by a gang of drunken hillbillies who saw him crash-land his spaceship.

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Moviecraft Entertainment

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Rainey Dawn What a load of worse than cheesy crap but kinda semi-funny. I think the humor was completely intentional... sorta a spoof on the old alien horror sci-fi films of the 50s, 60s maybe the 70s I'm guessing. I don't recall this film, maybe it was because it was a direct-to-video.The lame hillbillies are better than the actual creature. They get so annoying that you can't wait for the creature to get them but you kinda want all of them to stick around just to hear the next dumb thing they say and do.I think the creature kinda looks like The Swamp Thing in away. And it carries what looks like an alien egg that flashes to red sometimes.It's lame enough to get a couple of giggles out of at best.3/10
Dalbert Pringle OK.So - What's red, white, and green, and is (definitely) pure crap from start to finish? Why, it's this blasted, z-grade movie, of course, with its "red"-necks, its "white"-trash, and its "green" man from Mars (!?). And, yes, don't forget, its pathetically crappy storyline and its god-awful production values, as well.What more can I say? From this viewer's point of view, The Galaxy Invader was yet another prime contender desperately crying out to be recognized as "The Best/Worst Movie Of All Time". It really was.Why is it that so many movies of such an inferior caliber as this one always seem to fit into either the genre of Horror or Sci-Fi? I mean, these 2 genres have been so saturated by rubbish of this sort for so long that it has almost become the expected norm.Every single character in this film was completely one-dimensional and as utterly despicable as you could possibly imagine. (Yep. Even the children). These contemptible jerks (one, and all) were forever saying the most idiotic things to each other, non-stop. Believe me, it was enough to make one sick to their stomach in no time flat.Thank goodness that the "Galaxy Invader", himself, never uttered a word. With the way that the other characters (with their decidedly Neanderthal mentality) regarded him in this film, he was, in reality, just a token symbol, quite obviously representing every ethnic minority (Black, Arab, Indian, etc.), all conveniently wrapped up into one lump of outer-space slime.And naturally this "alien's" sole purpose for being in this situation as the hunted one was to allow the humans the opportunity to vent out their hatred on him in just the same way as they would treat anything that they so blindly chose not to understand, and, yet, at the same time, greedily wished to exploit for monetary gain.Trust me when I say - Don't waste your time with this rubbish. It isn't even the least bit entertaining, or funny, or whatever.
Bloodwank Appearing like a stranger from a strange land, The Galaxy Invader must have thrown people for a loop back in '85. At a time when slashers were all the rage, the PG level thrills and cracked sci-fi spills are about the last thing you could expect, but lowbrow legend Don Dohler pulls it off and then some. The key to it all is commitment, there's a fair amount of overlap between cast and crew and many of both cast and crew cut their teeth on previous Dohler pictures, which he had been making for a while. It all adds up to confidence, to actors pinging off each other with dramatic result, bold use of shaky effects, competent framing, poignant message, this is a film where all the lunacy can't overpower the fact that these people weren't screwing around. There's effort here and it shines. The plot wraps around an alien crash-landing in redneck backwoods territory espied by a couple of mean spirited idiots, Joe Montague and Frank Custor (can you smell the sweat?) who elect to catch and sell it. Meanwhile, a sky watching professor and his student are on the hunt for the being, and Joe's wife and daughter are just trying to get away safe from him. The film wrong-foots the viewer pretty early on, man is the aggressor here, man the wild beast. The title is a misnomer, the alien isn't any kind of an invader and is actually kinda sympathetic, also it has the look of a novelty store riff on the Creature from the Black Lagoon. At times it almost feels like a red herring in its own film, such is the focus on the nefarious Joe. With a lesser actor this wouldn't have worked at all, but Richard Ruxton brings a tour de force to the table, with a perpetual scowl plastered on his face and twitchy, violently irate demeanour he blows gusts of derangement through his every moment of screen time, a remarkable gonzoid villain. Don Leifert is slightly lower key but nonetheless palpably loathsome as Frank, while various Dohler relatives and local types bulk out the cast. There are a few shootings, cool shonky mini explosion effects and powerful spurts of tension, this undoubtedly aided by driving synths from Norman Noplock (sadly this is his only credit), like I said up top this one is committed and so when it strikes, it strikes hard. Things move at a smart clip and the short runtime feels like a breeze, by the time the ending locks in it's a breathless ride and the ending itself is a terrific capper. Now I wouldn't possibly recommend this to "regular" cinema fans, but as a devotee of low budget science fiction lunacy I thought this a really great time. If you're still reading this, you might to. Check it out say I, 7/10.
bkoganbing The Galaxy Invader who is a fellow in a Creature From The Black Lagoon costume crash lands in America. With a little luck he might have crash landed at Silicon Valley, or MIT, or Bill Gates's place in Seattle where he might have been studied and communicated with and good interplanetary relations established.Instead the luckless Invader lands in the piney woods and some folks right out of Deliverance think they can capture him and maybe sell him to a carnival to exhibit. That's the plan these peckerwoods develop taking their NRA protected weapons out for a little alien hunting. Despite the efforts of one scientist who gets alerted by one of his students, one of the kids actually completed high school and is in university if you can believe.This film is the creation of low budget independent film maker Don Dohler who used some of his kids in roles. They look good, but my cat could have done the dialog better. In fairness they're no worse than any of the other cast members not named Dohler.The spirit of Ed Wood is alive and well.