Homeless for the Holidays

2009 "It's beginning to look a lot like (a lean) Christmas!"
3.2| 1h45m| G| en| More Info
Released: 16 October 2009 Released
Producted By: iProduceFilms.com
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A smug executive enjoys the perfect life - until he loses his job, and finds himself working at a burger joint. Now he's falling behind on his bills, and if something doesn't change soon, his family could lose everything by Christmas.

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mahoneyjame-741-943265 I can't really give it a low rating, even though I probably should. The script is bad, the dialogue is absolutely horrendous, the acting is bad, there's a lot of lapses in logic and the overall execution is pretty unrealistic.But the laughs are great. Everything about this movie is so over-the- top and ridiculous, that it eventually becomes comedy gold. If you enjoy so bad-they're good movies like The Room and Plan 9 From Outer Space, chances are you'll like Homeless for the Holidays.I literally had to hold my laughter back because I didn't want to offend the people I was watching it with.
bkoganbing Young Matt Moore is an up and coming advertising executive who is living the American dream with wife Crystal DeWitt-Hinkle and their two kids. But it's all yanked out from under him and at Christmas time as well. He loses his job because he takes one for the team and his sacrifice of his job prevents his company from being subject to a lawsuit. He gets promised that his job will eventually be restored, but that turns out to be empty promises.I saw this happen a number of times especially after the World Trade Center disaster when the sole breadwinner was taken from the family. DeWitt-Hinkle has a teaching credentials, but it will take a few months to get her recertified and Moore winds up working in a fast food joint.This particular Christian film says that God will look after his own if you have a generous spirit. We see Moore and his family who've really got the spirit of Christmas give to some homeless people, to a collecting Santa Claus. Come tomorrow though and watch Christian television and that spirit will be translated into give to this particular nattily dressed reverend so he can enjoy a most opulent lifestyle doing God's work. Somehow I don't think God had that in mind.There were some worthwhile scenes that hit home for me. My favorite is DeWitt-Hinkle trying to get food stamps and dealing with the income levels needed for them. She can't feed her family, but they have too many assets like a van that is paid for free and clear. Sell the van so you can qualify to be fed. Last year I had a friend who sustained seizure disorders and had to take a pay cut from his fast food job in order to qualify for Medicaid. Hopefully Obamacare will remedy that.The family does become Homeless For The Holidays, but it all works out in the end. I've seen far worse Christian films, this is not a bad one from that genre.
dancinqueen47 Prior to watching this on Hulu I came to this site to read reviews. Based on several good reviews I read here and because I generally enjoy movies based on true stories, I decided to watch. I am now halfway through this and am ready to throw in the towel. I could not disagree more with the reviewers here who are of the opinion that this is a good movie. In particular, the acting is possibly the worst I have seen. Worthy of special mention for extremely bad acting are: Michael Wilhelm (Mr. Fergusson). He was especially awful. Worse yet, was Brad Stein (the "crazy supermarket manager"). To stand out in the crowd of horrific actors in this film is quite an achievement. Obviously, the direction was also terrible, for this group to be encouraged to act as poorly as they did. This movie makes the Lifetime movies seem Oscar worthy. IMO, spending 105 minutes watching paint dry would be more entertaining - and a better use of time - than viewing this.
riverprincess43 My husband and I had planned on going to "the movies" (a different movie), but at the last minute we decided to see Homeless for the Holidays. We were not disappointed. This movie hit close to home and brought tears to our eyes. What a wonderful, heartwarming view on these hard economic times. It's so nice to see a movie with Christian views and real to life situations. Not a padded "fairy tale ending". Destined to be a classic, this movie reminds us how we should live our lives. When one door is closed, another will always open. We just need to open our eyes and hearts. A great, must see, family oriented movie for everyone, young and old.